I see that many are clicking on the "like" button for facebook. THANKS!! If you want it to count for an entry, please leave a message in the comments telling me that you did that. I can't see everyone who is clicking (If you aren't my facebook friend, I can't see who you are at all. If you *are* my facebook friend, sometimes it doesn't show who you are anyway.)
Also, if you have done any of the extras I've mentioned (listed on the original post), please leave a comment telling me. I *think* I know who follow me, but I'm not 100% sure. I would hate to not give an entry when you deserve one.
Lots more pics are going into the shop next week :) They are all ordered, and as soon as they are printed and I look them over, I will put them up in the MerrieMelody.Etsy.com shop.
This weekend, my family will be hibernating at home, waiting for Michael's surgery on Monday. I haven't taken Michael anywhere for about 2 weeks and he has cabin fever, but I have been worried about him getting sick and needing to postpone his surgery again, so I haven't wanted to take the risk. Perhaps Steve & I will take him for a ride today around the lake, or up one of the nearby canyons, or to the sand dunes... anywhere without people.
Tomorrow I'll post a "Silent Sunday", but I will probably be AWOL on Monday because of the surgery. I'll give you a full update on Tuesday, though.
I hope that all of you are doing great! :)