Do you know who these kids are?

A few years ago I got the bright idea to hang up pictures of Steve & myself at different stages of our growing up years. These pics were taken when we were both in Kindergarten. Aren't we cute? I won't mention that those pictures were taken almost 33 years ago.
My picture has bothered me for years. It must have gotten wet and stuck to the glass in the picture frame, because when it was removed from its original frame it tore off a little of the picture. After putting the picture up here, I decided to try to fix it with Gimp. Here is the result:

I think it looks much better!
It is always fun to look at pictures of ourselves or our loved ones from long, long ago. Looking at these pics makes me want to look through all of my old photo albums, so maybe over the course of the next few days I'll share a few more.
So pick up those old photo albums, dust them off, and have a great time just remembering "the good old days"!

Gimp is an open source free image editing program like photoshop, except free, and can be found at