If ever I was going to be a stylist/salonist and open my own shop, that's what I'd call it. It is so classic! I first found a Curl Up and Dye in Kentucky, but since then I have seen a great many.
Anyway, Josh didn't get a perm or cut, but he did color his hair last night.

His young neighbor friend did it for him. I wish that you could see the highlights appropriately. They are purple. LOL! Sorry, that slipped.

He wanted red tips, but they didn't realize that the black they chose was a blue-black....so he has purple hair.
So here is what he has done with his hair this year:

I always thought purple hair and grey eyes sounded pretty. Though really I've only thought about lavendar hair and grey eyes when I am writing a story about fairies. But, if I
was a fairy I'd choose lavendar hair for myself....and maybe a masculine equivalent of lavendar is black-purple. Not that I'm calling my son a fairy! Nevermind.
He is being such a good sport about it. He can laugh at his own mistake...all the while wearing a hat. LOL! Sorry.
I actually think he looks pretty good with dark hair. It'll take some getting used to, but it kind of reminds me of Elvis. In a good way. Even though Elvis never did play the part of a fairy. (as a side note: after he read this post he said, "I thought that same thing! In fact, when I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror I said, 'Thank you. Thank you very much.'")
Maybe he could get a part as an elf in Lord of the Rings!? You know, and capitalize on his mis-match of coloring. I love having Josh around. He always finds a way to make me laugh.
Have a wonderful, unexpected weekend!