We got my mom's things moved out of her apartment. Some of her things will be stored at my house... and my house looks like a tornado hit it! BUT, at least the mess is at MY HOUSE! No worrying about getting a babysitter for Michael or hurrying home to make dinner. I can clean and organize at my convenience, at any time of the day or night.
Now if I can just get over the fact that my mom is in a nursing home I'll be a whole lot better.
Church was interesting today. I spent my time in Michael's class with four- five year old kids hopped up on sugar. The teacher had a hard time teaching her little lesson while kids wanted to talk about trick or treating the whole time. I was entertained the whole time! :-)
Speaking of which, Michael loved trick or treating! He loved having everyone pay attention to him, he loved watching their ceiling fans "spinnin' round", he loved watching our neighbor's ghoul jump out of its coffin: he watched that time and again, laughing each time. He let us take him home when he was a frozen popsicle. He kept wanting to go to one more house.
Emily and Matt went trick or treating with a group of friends and one of the moms. They got a whole bag full of loot and were thrilled!
I hope that you got some chocolate yesterday! And that you have a wonderful week!

You've had a lot on your plate! My goodness. I'll be praying for you as you adjust to having your mom in a nursing home. I know that must be hard.