Today is my Friday, really. Tomorrow Steve & I will take Michael into the Neurologist. Hopefully the EEG will have been read and he'll have the results.
So, since I really won't get a Friday to finish up the last of the week's jobs around the house, today is *the* day. (insert the sound of a snapping whip)
And, since I won't be blogging tomorrow, I'm going to wrap up the past few days
Signs of Spring pics into one post.
Remember my goal of taking pics that suit my fancy, and then out of those, post up one of them to the Gardening Gone Wild Photo Contest? I wanted to have that done and out of the way by the 15th, since the final day for the contest is the 21st. I found that last month when I left it 'til the last day and stewed too much about which one to put up it ruined my month, so I'll have no more repeats of that!
(And, I *need* to console myself with lots of Signs of Spring, seeing as how Mother Nature still believes it is too early for Spring here.)
So leave me a note in the comments letting me know
1) Your favorite of all the pics and
2) The one that you feel best symbolizes "Awakening", would you?
Here they are, and I've added a few that you haven't seen yet:







Have a great, great weekend!