Friday, at the beginning of the day, I was worried. We had a therapy appointment and a Pumpkinland adventure to go to, but I was still out of sorts. Tuesday, Bill had gone to the hospital, more confused than I'd ever seen him, and I had Bentley and Michael by myself. I had no idea how to get Bill to the hospital since I had Ben and Mike to take along. Fortunately for me, a friend brought Emily home because she was sick. Unfortunately for Emily, she was my backup plan until Josh and Hayley got here to watch Bentley so that Steve could take Emily to the doctor. By the end of the night, Bill was admitted to the hospital, Emily was diagnosed with strep, and I was emotionally done.
Wednesday, Emily stayed home from school, then Thursday started Fall Break. Thursday, I felt like I was having an emotional breakdown. Everything seemed larger than life. The medical bills were starting to come in. I hadn't received the PIP forms for the insurance to pay for the medical bills. The insurance companies, theirs and mine, were calling. I was worried about Bill. Emily didn't feel well. Bentley was here. There was a dispute about the family picture I wanted to have taken (conclusion: my big family picture will be a collage this year of all of my adult kids' families and the ones who live at home and Steve and I will have our pic taken. Sometimes, this is the best that can happen - I took pics of Karen and the boys at Pumpkinland for the collage. I'll post them shortly :) ). When Steve called to check on me, he asked what he could do to help.... I lost it. I said something to the effect of, "I don't know what you can do. You are at work. As far as I can tell, there is nothing you can do!" About an hour later, he pulled into the driveway. I love that when the crap hits the fan, I know that I can depend on Steve to help me. I truly appreciate him!
So on Friday, I was feeling a little bit better, but not a lot.
I took Emily to her therapy appt (she struggles with depression). I went in with her, since she said that she had nothing to talk about. I dumped out all of my stresses to the therapist. He validated me. I felt so grateful! I felt better than I had all week.
And then, when I walked into my favorite nursery, all of the rest of the frustrations ceased. I love that place. And here is our visit in pictures:

My cute grandson, Aiden, in the midst of the pumpkins :)

I love all of the decorations they have scattered through the corn maze and pumpkin patch.

This walkway is one of my favorite things at Pumpkinland. I'd love to make one of my own one of these years :)

Sunflowers are one of my autumn loves :)

Cole, Emily, and Aiden ahead of us in the corn maze.

Emily, Matt and Aiden, being themselves.

Michael and Matt.

I loved this picture of Karen and the boys :)

Michael refused to poke his head through the cut-outs - he would only put his hand through.

Since he wouldn't do the cut-outs, I had him back up to this Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat hat that was stapled to the side of the barn :)

Yes. Yes it was.
On Friday, while I was doing our stuff, Steve took Bill home from the hospital. I was surprised that he made it out alive. This was a trip that really made me worried. I told Bill that there are things that we need to work out, so that if and when I have another scare with him, so that more things are planned out, so that I know his wishes, and so that plans have already been put in order.
On Saturday, I did a photoshoot up the canyon for some friends. It was so beautiful! And my soul drank in the beauty and peace that only nature brings. Then, Steve, who was my assistant - he is crazy and fun and makes kids laugh - and Michael, who went with us and had a nice time visiting with everyone, went shopping. When we got home, Karen was here with the boys. The kids had called her and told her that they were bored and alone, so she took them to Walmart for snacks and a Redbox video and slept over.
Today, Karen and the boys, Michael, Steve & I went to church. The rest of the day, we ate and watched tv shows and enjoyed each other's company.
And today, I feel like I am in a good place to start the week tomorrow, though I am going to miss everyone as we go back to our regular schedule.
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