I'm thankful that:
~ Christmas went so well and was such a great day!
~ we have such thoughtful family and friends.
~ my mom's ER visit was for something as benign as enormous gas instead of the suspected blocked bowel. (sorry, not a very pretty image :/ )
~ Steve & I could continue our tradition of going out to lunch together to think over the new year.
~ we've had some extra sunshine throughout the week.
~ Steve took the kids (especially Michael) to church so that I could stay home and recuperate.
~ my family could spend some fun family time watching a video and playing a game on Monday evening.
~ we are getting back into our routine for the school week.
~ Aiden was able to go to the doctor and get an antibiotic for his ear infection.
~ sometimes flu bugs only last a few hours.
~ I don't always have to get up several times during the night.
~ Michael's seizures have subsided a bit.
~ a conversation between Steve & I that could have gone very badly and been a huge stumbling block seems to be instead a stepping stone in our relationship. (it is his fault for being patient during that conversation)
~ my mechanic hurried and did a safety inspection for my car before the windshield cracked more. :/ and that the windshield repair kit seems to have made that crack more secure so it won't keep cracking. (here's hoping!!)
~ Emily's drama teacher is a family friend and took Emily back to her house after practice last night so that Steve & I could finish with the windshield, take my brother his other set of keys, and hurry and pick up some supper on the way.
~ the lady at the storage unit accepted my check last night after hours and didn't charge a late payment fee.
~ Amber calls me regularly just to talk. <3
~ I didn't gain weight over the holidays like I feared I would.
~ I got to go to Aiden's first birthday party on Friday. I was worried with the weather that I wouldn't be able to.
~ Grey's Anatomy is on tonight!! :)
~ my family has been able to spend so much quality time together during the holidays.
~ I have great friends & family to visit with on the phone, facebook, blogs, IM, email, and face to face. :)
~ I get to use this year to become more deeply grateful for things. :)
What are you grateful for today?