Sometimes I get a little behind with these pics, but I keep pluggin' along....
"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."
For Memorial Day, we went up the canyon and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. We wandered around the recently renovated, well-loved campsite just beyond our picnic grounds. It used to be that we could drive in further to the site and use it for picnics, but it has changed, and now motorized vehicles are no longer allowed. We pulled our van close to the picnic ground close to the road, because often Michael prefers to hang out in the van rather than sitting by the fire, but this time he stayed out with us the entire time; progress!
While many roasted their dinner, I walked up around the campsite. I should have taken pics, but it didn't even dawn on me to do it yesterday. There is a big central campfire now, with lots of rocks around it, making a well defined firepit. If you'll envision this, you'll see what I did: the firepit is the hub of the circle, and several feet away is a bigger circle encircling the smaller one of the firepit. The outer ring is built up rocks, making seats for a large group of people to sit around the campfire. Several feet away, someone has built up the stream in one spot, using a log as a dam, and has made a little wading pool. I am excited to use this little area! I am thinking that for my family's family reunion/campout, we'll have to plan to have it there. The littles will love the wading pool, and the parents will love that the water is still and gentle in that area. The teens will love all of the area around to hike and play games. I'm looking forward to it already!
Here are some pics from our outing:
All the boys getting food:
I loved the lighting - the light was reflected onto his face from a rock - and I asked Steve stand in just the right spot as he got his dinner ready:
Emily had been off doing her own thing while pictures were taken, so she let me take her picture:

(can I just tell you how much I love her eyes?! amazing color! so, so blue.)
Today, it is back to the grindstone. Steve is at work, and Emily's at driver's ed. The boys are still asleep; I'll let them sleep in a bit more while I enjoy some quiet time :)
Have a wonderful day!
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