Yesterday, Jared and I went into the backyard farm to gather up all of the chickens that refused to live in the coop. They were being sent to live with their aunt in the country, since free range chickens are looked down on greatly by my next door neighbor. At one point, we had caught a few but still had 2 more to go. We had scared them off, so we needed to wait a few minutes to see if they'd come back home for another attempt to catch them.
It was beginning to be sunset, and the lighting was very nice, so of course I had to take some macro pictures of all of the living things around me:
The parsley made it through the cold, hard winter! Yay!!
I'd forgotten that I left celery in the garden last year, but it is off to a good start this season:
The three little kittens felt that I needed their help in the garden:
The lilac bush is getting its leaves:
The apricot tree is in full bloom:
And this is my partner in crime. He was giving me a grumpy face because he wanted to leave me and go buy seeds to plant in the garden - his spring fever set in seeing all of my green stuff! But I made him stick around so that we could grab the chickens as soon as they showed up.
We put a lot of time into catching those chickens last night, but lacked one rooster in the group. We waited for him 'til this morning, but one attempt to catch him resulted in one more escape for him. So, we ended up taking the chickens that we had - one rooster and three hens - over to my sisters house early-ish this morning.
We got them there safely. Moved the animal crate that we had them in to the side of their driveway and released them into the backyard. They left the crate and looked around. Then they started walking. They walked out of the backyard. They walked through the fence to the hay field. They walked through the hay field, through the neighbors fence, and they kept walking, and walking, and walking.
I told my sister that perhaps they might come back for some popcorn, so she went in and popped some. She threw some into the neighbor's yard.... and the chickens ignored her. We all gave up, thinking that they were gone. In the sadness of loss, there was still all of the humor in it. Silly chickens. Poor neighbors - but we figured that one of them would get some free chickens out of the deal.
My sister texted me a little while ago and told me that two of the chickens came back.... Hopefully the others follow suit.
And yes, I've spotted the remaining rooster. He is avoiding me. When he sees me in the backyard farm he hustles out to the orchard and disappears. Hopefully my neighbor won't notice. Hopefully the rooster will behave himself!
In the morning, I have a dentist appt. It seems that my tooth has a hairline fracture from one side to the other on one of my molars. It happened last week sometime, but my dentist was on vacation, so I've had to wait. I am soooo thankful it didn't break apart! BUT, I am *not* looking forward to another crown. :(
I hope that you have a wonderful Monday!
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