Friday, December 12, 2008

It's is beginning to look a lot like Christmas ¯


I finally got my wreath up! I secured and glued those loose berries back on and voilĂ ! The Christmas season can officially begin...NOW! I also got all of my decorations except the tree put up too. Now.... ¯It's is beginning to look a lot like Christmas¯.

Last night was Cub Scout Pack Night, and Matt got his Wolf Badge, a gold arrow, and two silver arrows. Way to go, Matt! It was very sweet last night, right before bed he told me that he never could have gotten his Wolf Badge without me. Ahhh! I'm glad for his gratitude.


Tonight there are some Christmas festivities nearby that I think I'll take the kids too. They will love seeing Santa, and I will love getting that picture!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I love the wreath! Looking at your profile we have lots of similar interests! I quilt and sew too!

  2. I love wreaths!!!

    Congrats Matt!! I don't know much about boys clubs but I'm sure they are important!!

  3. I love your door! And way to go Matt. I know how much work that is.

    I hope you get some great pictures with Santa. My kids sat on Santas lap tonight and I didn't even get a picture!! How sad is that.
