Friday, August 8, 2008
The Great Flood of 2008
Remember how earlier today I said that I was going to be canning? Well I didn't.
Instead I cleaned up my son's bedroom from when it flooded a bit ago. He has been sleeping on the couch. So, I decided to take the initiative and clean it up for him. I put in a screen so that he can open his window without flies coming in, which is something he hasn't been able to do for a bit, and added a chain on either side of the window so that it can't fall in and break again (the charm of an old house!) And I got it all clean so that he could sleep in there instead of on the couch.
And then at about 4:30 it started to rain and thunder. It reminded me of Kentucky. It smelled like rain, and then the heavens opened up and poured out rain in abundance. My ducks sang. I was smiling too! I don't have to water my garden, AND I really do long for Kentucky's climate.
After retrieving the electric scooter's charger from the picnic table outside, I took a shower and listened to the thunder. It was a glorious thing.
When I got out of the shower, my children were gone. I didn't know where, but I figured they were watching tv. Then I heard loud voices and followed them to my son's bedroom. You know, the one I cleaned and fixed up today from the last flood a couple of weeks ago?
This is my son's bedroom floor. My older kids moved the electronics out because they were getting wet. My baby was sitting on the bed. Two inches of water was on the floor of my son's bedroom.
Have I ever mentioned I hate basements????? It reminded me of Kentucky. And our bermed home. Where it flooded every December like clockwork and left in its wake a mess for me to clean up.
So, I am thrilled for the water outside! But not so thrilled for the water inside. I thought Josh would be able to sleep somewhere other than my couch. Bah.
Ok, I need to remember the silver lining to my dark cloud: The mountains that were on fire last weekend are now very wet. My garden that was drooping is now watered. My ducks are happy little critters, outside quacking away. I don't have to water my lawn. I get out of going camping this weekend.
Have a wonderful day. Remember my abundance post this morning? It continues! Abundance of water. Blessings from the Lord. My cup runneth over.
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