Michael's teleconference with neurologist

Life in this time of Corona Virus (Covid-19) is very different. House calls, a thing of yesteryear, have a new look now with teledoc & teleconferences.

The doctor's office emails the meeting information a day or so before the visit, calls a few minutes before the appt to verify insurance and things, and then we sit and wait for the doctor to appear on our screen.

Yesterday, (4/21) we had an appointment with Michael's neurologist. Doses were adjusted a bit, concerns voiced, and then the call ended.

It was SO AMAZING! Getting Michael to and from doctors' appointments has been frustrating and nerve wracking, but getting him to and from the living room is a breeze!

Afterward, I took a picture of us and captioned it, "This is how we do Michael's doctor's appts these days - at home, on the computer.

P.S. This is as good as a house call! (maybe better!)"

♥ Melody