Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Day of School Pics Part II::August 29

I've had great intentions of taking first day of school pics of Jared and Michael, but I hadn't gotten around to it until today.

Michael was in a silly mood. He stuck his tongue out, wouldn't look at me at all for many pics, and for all intents and purposes was just setting out to tease me. In spite of it all, I did manage to get a few good pics of him....

Jared was lots easier:

Now I just need a pic of Tino and Amber, and Josh, Karen, and Aiden. :)

Heave a great day!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

San Andres Catholic Church::August 15

So... I never do street photography. And I rarely do architecture photography. But... today as I was driving by San Andres Catholic Church in a neighboring town, I saw the way the golden sunshine was lighting the front steps, and I *had* to stop.

Then I had to walk around and see everything else. Beautiful! And I was touched that someone had placed a beautiful cross in Mary's (I think it is Mary...) hands.

And finally: a rose picture that I've taken and actually liked.

The thing is, I didn't *want* to stop. I was high-tailing it to the grocery store so that I could get done and get home. But who can argue with golden light??

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Coconut Oil Deodorant link::August 9

beauty that moves has a coconut deodorant recipe on the blog today. I was thinking of this very thing this morning! I don't like antiperspirants much (maybe I'm weird, but I take the studies linking aluminum to alzheimers seriously), but I've never found a plain old deodorant for woman at the grocery store. Mennen makes several for men, but not for women. Go figure! And the ones I've tried at the health food store give me a rash.

I love the beauty that moves blog. It is all about natural wholesomeness.

Now I need to buy arrowroot powder.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

An Irish Prayer (or two) for you::August 8

Had anyone told me how difficult adult life was back when I was a teenager, I'd think that they were just a pessimist and simply not listen to them. But really folks, it's all true!

It is especially true if you have a multitude of children. Life is not quiet and peaceful for me while I sip herbal tea on the front porch and watch the clouds float by, though I'd really like that a lot! Instead, it is dispelling arguments. Constantly. And not just with my "little children", whom really are not that little at all. And the problems isn't simply about not sharing toys. All day yesterday, I longed for a day of trials like I had back as a young mother: potty training accidents, cutting teeth, and kissing boo-boos.

Truth be told: I'm tired. I think I need a year long nap.

I cannot "tell everything I know". I know far too much about far too many people. I think, if it was just *my life* to worry about it would be a much simpler life. Alas, I bore many children (in both meanings) and informally adopted others into my family, both children and adults. I have *made* my life complicated. For that, somedays, I am truly happy; other days, I sing, "I should've been a cowboy" along with Toby Keith.

Sometimes, I think of all of my problems, multiply by 7 billion, which is how many people google told me lives on earth, and wonder how in the world God can do it. I know He's omniscient and omnipotent, but come on! Who'd want His job?! Not me.

So here I am, soaking up what little quiet moments I can this morning, knowing in my heart that it won't last long, and yet still having the residual imprints left over from yesterday still pressing on my mind.

So, I'll leave you with an Irish Prayer, for I am certain that I am not alone in this difficult life:

May there always be work for your hands to do
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine on your windowpane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you

And if that doesn't comfort you, how about this one?:

Here's to the health of your enemies' enemies'.
